How To Keep Your Email Marketing Tidy

How To Keep Your Email Marketing Tidy (Tags, Automations and Subscribers)

Let’s face it, your email marketing platform can get really messy, really quickly if you’re not organised.

With automations, tags, and campaigns flying all over the place, things can go from zero to chaos in no time. That’s why, in this week’s episode of ‘The Email Marketing Show', we tackled how to stay organised with your email systems. Ready?

We’re Kennedy and Fifi, and if you’ve ever felt like your email list is a cluttered mess, this one's for you.

Want to get more sales from your email marketing?

We put a little something together for you. It's really cool and it's FREE (yes, it's cool and free – we're nice like that). Until you're making a consistent $10,000 per month in your business, it can feel like you're riding peaks and troughs and feel stuck in the weeds of your business.

That's why we've created this on-demand training to show you the easiest and most predictable way to hit consistent $10k months from your EXISTING audience. You can watch it here.

Why Staying Organised Matters

You’ve probably felt it before.

The overwhelm of juggling tags, automations, and email lists, especially when you’re constantly tweaking and refining things. It's a real challenge to get anything done when you're feeling like that. That's why keeping your email systems organised is crucial to sustaining consistent, predictable revenue.

After all, how can you expect to run smooth campaigns if you can’t even find the right tags?

Naming Conventions: Your Email Marketing Lifesaver

At the heart of staying organised is one simple trick: naming conventions.

Fifi's approach to naming her tags revolves around using a clear and consistent structure, with square brackets to denote the type of tag — whether it’s for a product, event, or function. This small tweak can be a game-changer when you’re trying to find contacts later or understand their journey.

For example, if someone registers for a summit, Fifi might use a tag like ‘[Event] TQI Summit 2024 Registered'. This tells her exactly what the tag refers to, saving her from scrolling through an endless list of vague names.

The key to doing this successfully is in making sure that the naming convention you use fits your business and team working style.

Avoid Tag Overload

One of the biggest mistakes we see is what we like to call ‘going tag crazy'.

There was a time where Kennedy was tagging subscribers with every detail, from what type of content a subscriber clicked on, to what day of the week and time of day they clicked. While it seemed helpful at the time, he quickly realised that those tags added unnecessary complexity that was never used.

The takeaway? Only tag what you actually need.

The Top 10 Books To 'Power Up' Your Email Marketing

10 book recommendations that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we stumbled upon which have been game-changing for us).


There is such thing as too many cooks in the kitchen.

When it comes to managing your email platform, one of the best things you can do is appoint ONE person on your team to be in charge of it. This person, whether it's you or a team member, can then be responsible for consistency throughout your system and prevents a mishmash of naming conventions that counteract each other and make a mess.

Organising Campaigns & Automations

It's not just tags that need structure — your campaigns and automations should follow suit.

Again, just as with your tags, we suggest using the same naming conventions for campaigns, too. This way, if you have multiple workflows for a single campaign, you’ll be able to track them easily. For example, a “daisy chain” campaign might be named ‘DC Flowers Content' and ‘DC Flowers Conversion'.

Simple but powerful.

The Hidden Perk: Better Customer Insights

Believe it or not, keeping your email system organised isn’t just about your sanity (although that's definitely a massive factor!)

Instead, it also gives you better insights into your subscribers’ journey because your tags act like “passport stamps” that show where someone has been and what actions they've taken. This history can be incredibly valuable for tracking customer behaviour over time – but works best when it's organised.

Final Thoughts

Organising your email marketing is about more than tidiness — it’s about efficiency.

Whether it's using clear naming conventions or designating a “CRM manager” in your team, these small adjustments can prevent chaos and lead to smoother, more profitable campaigns and a lot less stress when you're working in your email platform.


Make More Sales with our cutting-edge Psychology-Based Email Marketing Programme

  • Psychology-based email marketing.
  • 45+ Email Campaigns.
  • Video Campaign Workshops.
  • Growing Library of Video Trainings.

Subject line of the week

This week’s standout subject line is “Changed My Mind”

The curiosity it sparks pulls people in. Whether you're announcing a change in your product, strategy, or even offering a new perspective on a common problem, this line makes people want to open the email to find out more.

Useful Episode Resources

Recent episodes


How to Come Up With Your Next Email Campaign (Without Overthinking It)

How to Measure Email Marketing Success with the Right Numbers

How We Are Currently Leveraging The Power Of AI To Create A Smarter Business


FREE list of the top 10 books to improve your email marketing

If you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. We put together this list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here

Join our FREE Facebook group

If you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber, we can help! We know your business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. We share a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.

Try ResponseSuite for $1

This week's episode is sponsored by ResponseSuite.com, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.

Join The Email Hero Blueprint

Want more? Let's say you're a course creator, membership site owner, coach, author, or expert and want to learn about the ethical psychology-based email marketing that turns 60-80% more of your newsletter subscribers into customers (within 60 days). If that's you, then The Email Hero Blueprint is for you.

This is hands down the most predictable, plug-and-play way to double your earnings per email subscriber. It allows you to generate a consistent sales flow without launching another product, service, or offer. Best news yet? You won't have to rely on copywriting, slimy persuasion, NLP, or ‘better' subject lines.

Want to connect with Fifi?

Fifi is a personal brand and visibility coach who works primarily with introverted coaches and impact makers. She helps quieter people – those who have ideas they want to share with the world but struggle to put them out there. Fifi empowers them to find a way to share in a way that aligns with who they are. You can find Fifi on her website.

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And please do tell us! If you don't spend time on email marketing, what do you really fill your working days with? We'd love to know! 

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